Friday, May 1, 2009


As long as you rely on your personality, your job, your home, your relationships, your situation, or your work as your power, safety, security or abundance, you will always be able to be threatened from without.

Free Abundance is a spiritual action. It uses meditations and other tools to train you to rely on Something Greater than yourself, within yourself, and within all.

Whether this is for Third Step work or for personal security, the main idea we wish to impress upon you is that you must rely entirely and completely on that Something. Or No-Thing. Or whatever you want to call it. IT cares not about how you name the Unnameable. Rather IT wants for you all the safety and security you want, and much more. All this Higher Power asks is that you remember. Align your thoughts and actions with these meditations and you will be learning and remembering to rely on that One Source That Provides and Is All.

Upon THAT, and THAT alone, can you learn to solely rely.

FULLY and UTTERLY rely on that ONE and in due time will you reap the harvest sewn not by man, but by God.

(Editor: The writers use many words interchangeably for the Unnameable. Ignore any labels that don't work for you and rewrite them with titles and descriptions that do work for you. If you get hung up on labels, you'll never get past surface issues to the Power you need. Capital names indicate this as well, such as He, She, It, That, One, etc.)

How to use the numbered meditations

After you have read whether or not there is any "catch" to this information, I hope you will read this section next.

You will need to find the first meditations under MAY 2009 archives to begin. Progress from May 2009 onward to get all of the meditations in correct order.

We will now set out a basic way to meditate on the numbered writings which will appear here.

1) Each day or each night, read one and only one of the numbered meditations. Begin at the start and go in order.

2) Keep a text document or pen and paper handy as you read your daily meditation. Write down all the things that come to mind from within yourself as you read.

3) Write down what positive ideas, inner wisdom, new thoughts, or novel ways you would rephrase these meditations.

4) Do this EVERY day (or every night). If you want to change things, you're going to have to change things. Seems obvious, now doesn't it? So make a commitment to yourself and your experience of the Flow of Life by never skipping a day - no matter what.

Doing this is like building a dam and not letting the water leak out. If you want to release a storehouse of power and have plenty of flow, write down what comes up for you as you read a new meditation each and every day.

This is an open-eye type of meditation. You will read, ponder, contemplate and then listen to what comes to mind from within yourself. You can close your eyes from time to time as you read, or after, if that is your preference. Trust your own inner wisdom and its process to reveal and solidify these truths within you.

Keep at it, no matter if the results are immediate or seem delayed from your perspective. Your current experience may be the result of what you thought and felt up to now. Let that go. Start again. Each day, start fresh.

Writing down the wisdom that comes to you from within yourself as you consider each daily meditation will help sink into your conscious awareness the reality that you need.

If you skimp on doing this continually, then remember that you will be skimping on your flow, your pocketbook and your abundant experience. It's not too much to ask to do for yourself, is it?

Begin with Meditation #1 and keep at it. When you run out of meditations, you can begin at the start all over again. Keep reminding yourself all through the day of what you thought about as you read the daily meditation in the morning. Take it with you in mind and heart as you go through your day, no matter what the outpicturing of life shows you.

Do what you need to do for now to take are of your finances, knowing that this was due to past thinking and feeling, while you are daily working to change your experience into a truly abundant one.

Keep at it, and keep flowing.

Why hold off on your good? Begin now!

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