Saturday, May 2, 2009

Meditation Nine

Safety, security, shelter - all of these things I need to find within.

Passionate, deep, all-encompassing Love - this too I need to find within. Here is why outer forms seem imperfect and all too soon, less appealing. It's a hint to find that mad, passionate love within - to find the version of Love that makes love sane and lasting. It should feel the same, just as wildly ecstatic and passionate - only better.

My finding security and shelter within feels the same, only more secure; enduringly safe and forever protected.

My supply must be found as Something I can touch - within.

It is THAT which is all of these; the Source of all this out-pictured.

Within me is the Divine Plan. I move to touch It, and in It I am restored.

I am supported from Within.

Like any strong structure, I am not mere surface. The surface of me is supported from That Source within me. A building without an inner structure is named a facade. I am not a facade. My personality is such however, unless it recognizes its True Support.

In realizing my True Support, I am as a building, viable and complete.

I turn within to find the Support for that which is to be expressed outwardly.

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