Saturday, May 2, 2009

Meditation Ten

God is my only Source and resource. God is the substance of all.

I had a surprising insight. For a moment in meditation I thought of God as GOOD, not merely an impartial Source of all that men call "good" or "bad". Surprising to me was I felt myself expanding when I thought the thought of God as GOOD. This expanding feeling also occurred later when I thought of God as Loving.

I had a time in the recent past when I had experienced God as Universal Love. At that moment, everything seemed "good" and "fine", no matter how uncertain my future was from a mundane point of view. Having had this expanding feeling as I meditated on God as GOOD itself, I may change my thinking back to my Source as a Loving Source of Good and see what happens.

"Bad" or hurtful actions may merely be ignorance of perception or the delusion of the idea of separation from God, which cannot be. Delusional thinking that we are separate from God may cause ill effects, not because God is a blind, unconcerned force, but because we experience our delusions until we let them go.

I listened to the birds outside and recalled that most natural abundance takes place by nature doing whatever it is driven to do. Animals, insects and flowers don't seem to worry much about making this world abundant. But abundance in this world is a natural result of animals, birds, insects, and flowers doing just what is natural for them to do. By doing what they do naturally, the earth is abundantly supplied. Birds and bees are not likely concerned with propagating flowers. Yet seed, pollen and other things are distributed as a by product of what these creations do naturally, and trees and flowers as produced as a result.

This happens in many aspects of life, so that "waste" and "ruin" also become subversive tools for more lavish growth, new life, and ever more abundant expressions.

So it must not be a usual conscious effort that brings about abundance here. The Source has all of this worked out to happen naturally. Rather than trying to make flowers and plants grow (they did so before human intervention) or say, "Ah, but YOU must plant better seeds of thought!", maybe the only seed we need to plant is to remember and rely upon God, Its nature and Design as the Source and Supply of all my Good, and all my need and desire fulfillment.

Some things I perceive as negative may still be beyond my current understanding, but momentary thought or belief in separation may be the reason for such misinterpretation.

I return now to the thought of God as a Good Source that supplies all due to the natural plan of Its Design.

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